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2020/2021 | KSLG
Winner, Best Spot for a Cause

"Black Voices of Humboldt County"


2007 | KHUM
News Documentary Winner, Small Market

"Picking Up: Meth on the North Coast"


2006 | KHUM

Friend in Need Award - Radio Category

Honoring broadcasters for outstanding service in the face of natural disasters and other potentially life-threatening situations.


2003 | KHUM/KSLG

Best Commercial, 1st Runner-Up, Small Market 

"Ladies Call to Action"


2002 | KHUM/KSLG

Best Promo Winner, Small Market

"The Drug"

Best Commercial, 2nd Runner-Up, Small Market 
"The Farmstore/Pick Up Chicks"

517 3rd Street Unit 22
Eureka CA 95501


© 2024 Lost Coast Communications, Inc. Ferndale, California.

Lost Coast Communications does not discriminate in the sale of advertising and will accept no advertising which is placed with an intent to discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity.  By placing an advertising buy with Lost Coast Communications, the Advertiser hereby certifies that it is not buying broadcasting air time under this advertising sales contract for a discriminatory purpose, including but not limited to decisions not to place advertising on particular stations on the basis of race, national origin, or ancestry.

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